Thursday, 6 June 2013

Taco Bell firing its taco-shell-licking employee

Taco Bell firing came because the worker violated food-handling procedures, even though the photo was made for a contest and the tacos were thrown out. The photographer of the Taco Bell worker licking a stack of taco shells has already left the company.

By Associated Press / June 5, 2013

A Taco Bell restaurant is shown in Richmond, Va. The Taco Bell firing was the result of a photograph of a California employee licking a stack of taco shells.

Steve Helber/AP/File


Taco?Bell?is firing a California employee who was photographed licking a stack of?taco shells.

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The shot was made in March at a?Taco?Bell?in Ridgecrest, 100 miles north of Los Angeles.

Taco?Bell?Products Inc. says the shells were provided for workers to practice making its new Cool Ranch?tacos?and were thrown out without being sold.

The Irvine-based company says the photograph was taken for a contest showing employees enjoying their first bite of the product. It wasn't submitted, but a worker posted it to a Facebook page ? which violates company policy.

Taco?Bell?says the worker also violated food handling procedures.

The company says the licker has been suspended and will be fired, while the photographer no longer works at the restaurant.


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